Affordable Wholesale Palms in South Carolina
There are
over 2500 varieties of palms
available worldwide and they are used for a wide variety of applications like
landscaping, for shade, for fencing and for fruits. Landscapers and nurseries
looking for Wholesale Palms in South
Carolina should check the A Quality Plant website for a large variety of
hardy palms which are available at extremely affordable wholesale rates. These palms are extensively used for
landscaping in shopping malls, hotels and resorts, streets, swimming pools, botanical
gardens, residential and commercial properties to enhance their appearance, and
add a touch of greenery.
There are many different types of Wholesale Palms for your South Carolina landscape available at A Quality Plant depending on the budget of the plant buyer, application, drought tolerance and weather conditions. Usually smaller and commonly found palm trees are cheaper, while taller palm trees with a clear trunk of more than 10 feet can cost more than $3500. The palm trees have either palmate, fan shaped leaves like the areca palm or pinnate, feather like leaves, like the coconut palm. One of the most popular palms is the Sago palm, originally from Japan, which is used extensively for ornamental gardening and is extremely affordable, costing $35 for a palm in a container at Wholesale Palms South Carolina.
The areca palm or golden cane is one of the most popular hedging palms in the world, widely used in gardens. The areca nut fruit is also widely used in a variety of applications. Date palms can grow to a height of up to fifty feet, and in addition to landscaping and decor, they will periodically yield dates as fruits, which can be eaten or processed into a variety of sweet products. The canary island date palm or pineapple palm is one of the most popular Wholesale Palms South Carolina which can tolerate a wide range of weather conditions ranging from tropical to warm temperate, making it ideal for landscaping in south carolina. The palm tree can cover up to 30 feet with its leaves, and often has a trunk which is four feet wide.
The sylvester or silver date palm is a fast-grown date palm which is not very widely available, and the medjool or true date palm is used for ornamental applications. Other Wholesale Palms South Carolina available at an affordable rate include the Washington Palm, Cabbage palm and Queen palm, which will flourish in warm temperate climate of South Carolina, withstanding the cold winter spells. Many of the palms are self-cleaning, with the leaves automatically fall off, after they wither. The palms should be selected depending on where exactly they are likely to be planted in South Carolina, the palms which are to be used in colder areas, should be cold tolerant.